Wednesday, November 15, 2006


What Is Marxism?
It is a political practice and theory of of socialism which states that the oppression of the working class. Capitalism replaced feudalism, so socialism would supersed capitalism, It is based on the profit motive and that under capitalism, profits are generated by exploiting workers.

Marx argued that capatalist society is divided into two social classes:
1) The Working Class- sell their labour and don't own the means of production.
2) The Bourgeoisie (the establisment/ruling class) - Own the means of production and employ the labour (proletariat-masses); can be sub-divided into wealth bourgeosie who don't need to work, and petty bourgeoisie who employ others but work themselves.

Althusser identfified the ISA (Ideological State Apparatus) whereby the media maintains the class divide in society. Operate along side RSA (Repressive State Apparatuses (e.g. military/police)). Maintain bourgeoisie ideologies:
  • religion
  • education
  • family (family values)
  • legal and political system
  • cultural and communications systems
Audiences are interpreted by media (put in our place) and accept this as 'common sense)- cultural myths- Barthes

What we see in the media nd the representations are hegemonic: reinforce dominant ideology

Gramsci came up with the concept of hegemony- Dominant ideology of the ruling class

Why Am I A Marxist?
I am Marxist. I agree that we live in a captalist society and that we sell ourselves to the bourgeoisie. There is a definite sense of hegemony as media moguls such as Rupert murdoch have a grasp over the public and impose their views in society. He owns FOX TV in the US as well as SKY TV in the UK thus American ideologies come through SKY and Sky News.


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