Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Audience Profiling

Demographic Profiling
- The most basic form of identification for target audiences is demographic profiling.
- This way of grouping an audience defines them is terms of age, class, gender,
geographical area, economic status and religion.
- It is a simplistic way of defining audiences.

I would define myself as a seventeen year old, male, middle classed, from West London (Southall), Punjabi in culuture, British Indian in nationality, following the Sikh faith.

Psychographic Profiling
- Audience are categorised and targeted through their needs and desires
- This is far more effective for advertisers, broadcasters and publishers
- Advertisers link the ideologies of the product to those of the consumer, generating
better empathy and bonding with the brand

My psychographic profile would have to be that I am a very open minded individual, oppinionated and believe in equality and that everyone's entitled to their oppinion/freedom of speech. In terms of the Cross-Cultural Consumer Characteristics, I would class myself as an individual. Despite wearing labelled clothing, I don't feel that I need to, to fit in with the norm. I wear what I want to becuase I want to, make my own decisions and follow myself, set my own trend and standards. When I shop I don't neccesarily shop by label but for what looks good, I am not as easily manipulated as the advertising agencies seem to think. It just so happens that labelled clothing is designed better. Some people go after crazes that come out every now and again but I don't tend to follow. In terms of the The Life-Matrix Segments I would say I am Tribe Wired and Fun-Atics. I don't really aspire to anyone portrayed in the media but set my own targets to achieve and aspire to. I can only be myself and like who I am, my life, the people I know etc, and no-one else can be like me apart from me.


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